Camerata announces Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan

Community, Orchestra News|10th July 2023

Emily Wurramara perming at Camerata Concert

Over the past 12 months, Camerata – Queensland’s Chamber Orchestra has taken significant steps towards reconciliation in Australia, by officially starting to develop our first Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) – Reflect.


During this time, our RAP Working Group, consisting of staff, artists, and board members, came together to reflect, learn, and explore how each of us can contribute to attaining meaningful reconciliation in Australia.


We are grateful to our Elder-in-Residence, Aunty Nancy Bamaga (Bamaga Productions) for her ongoing invaluable advice and guidance, and to Olivene Yasso who assisted Camerata to develop our Reconciliation Action Plan.


We look forward to sharing more of our Reconciliation learnings. Read our full Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan here.


We encourage you to explore more information via Reconciliation Australia’s website.